Tuesday, August 5, 2014


A few sketches using photo references from the past few days. I'm constantly trying to balance what I'm working on, focusing on animation, having a few side projects, and getting some sketching in. Hopefully I'll be posting sketches fairly regularly at least. Animations I SHOULD be posting more, but I have so many WIPs and don't know which I'll be finishing and I feel awkward posting them.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Mortimer Jitters

I felt like animating a creature, and this little guy is pretty fun! Still in blocking, and I'm not sure what I want to do with the little ball thing yet.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Actually posting something!

It has been way too long since I last posted anything and I really need to work on that. Here's some animations I've been working on a bit! Not yet finished, some are still blockouts, but they're coming along. 

I've been pretending Stewart is a superhero and making things he might do as such, so the first two animations are a takeoff and landing, because he can fly. Also, he can shoot energy blasts. I'll be putting those into the rapid punching one, and there's a blockout for a charging mega blast. 

Also, he can walk and run I guess.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Snow Country for Cold Men

So I've been busy working on my thesis, and here it is! It's been a long and difficult project, and there's plenty I'd go back and change and fix now, but I learned so much about animation, rendering, cinematography, story, and more along the way! It'll be nice to have time to just do small animations for a while though!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Started a new animation, currently still in blocking. Captain America has been on my mind recently, so a Red Skull voice clip will be super fun to do!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Streams of War

This was the finished version of the 11 Second Club entry for last month. I think one of my problems is that I worry too much about the rendering and setting that I don't focus as much as I should on the animation, so that's something I'll have to take into account going forward.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Hammer animation

A little late in posting this, but here's the finished version of that hammer swing animation. Was really fun to work on, but I should probably work on making posts a bit more frequently...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Animation updates

Posting some progress on both that hammer animation and the 11 Second Club WIP. The hammer one is mostly done, few minor tweaks left but it's pretty close.

The 11 Second Club entry is coming along too, but a few parts are still off. I'm also working on lighting for it, most of the scene being dark with the character being in focus. I think I'll use After Effects to make glowing eye lights in the end for the creature he's reacting to, so as to cut render times down a little in Maya.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Gears of WIP

Worked a bit more toward the 11 Second Club entry, making Morpheus more Gears of Warish (The soul patch calls to me) as it seems fun to do. He has more armor built, but a few pieces intersect when he bends his arms to use his earpiece, so I'm still tweaking them, and will eventually give them some simple textures.

Some of his motions have been changed, and there's progress on lip sync and blocking, but he feels more jittery in a few places. Particularly annoying is the timing during the good-bad-thing part, as I don't feel his arm is moving fluidly enough.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

11 Second Club Entry

I've been working a little on an entry to the 11 Second Club for March 2014. The poses and timing are mostly done, though I keep tweaking those, especially with this guys beefy arms. Going to dress him up like a certain commando (his gun and soul patch might give it away) to give more character, but the outfit still needs to be modelled. As far as animation, I still have a lot to do, including lip sync, smoothing, lighting, and all that. Also, the nervous look he does at end will have more context once the background is dark and I can get some ominous yellow eyes opening in the background as a response to him tripping the lasers.


Friday, March 7, 2014

Hammer update

A little update on Stewart and his hammer. Added a few more poses and messed with the bendy controls to add some appeal. I still need to add a few poses, some vibrating through the end, and work on the overall timing.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Getting started

So I've been meaning to start up a blog and post my work onto it for a while now. May as well do so now. I'll be posting whatever I'm working on, so that'll probably be mostly animations or sketches. Comments and critiques are more than welcome, as improving is the goal. Starting off, here's a WIP of a current project.